Our Projects
The Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils (WBAC) aims to highlight and progress key issues that have a regional impact and to be a voice for the Warren Blackwood area. It also leads the way in partnership development, relationship building and progressing projects by establishing a respected reputation with key stakeholders.

Warren Blackwood Sub-Regional Growth Plan
Since 2013 the WBAC has led the progression of a collective tourism brand to undertake marketing for the region. Today, the Southern Forests & Valley tourism brand is a project of the WBAC.
The Southern Forests & Valleys region is located in the heart of Australia's South West, and stretches from Balingup to Walpole, Nannup to Boyup Brook and encompasses Bridgetown, Pemberton, Greenbushes, Manjimup and Northcliffe.
The primary objectives of the Southern Forests & Valleys tourism brand is to showcase, promote and highlight the region's tourism operators, attractions, events, and trails to increase visitation to the Southern Forests & Valleys region.
The WBAC's 'Future of Tourism' document outlines our aims, objectives and priorities of the tourism brand.
The Warren Blackwood Stock Route was constructed as a WBAC project and funded by the Shires of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Manjimup and Nannup, the South West Development Commission, Lotterywest and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
The bridle trail includes eight equine friendly campsites dotted along the route at intervals of between 30km and 45 km, and sections of self-reliant trail to explore toward the coast.
The bridle trail alignment crosses multiple land tenures involving a variety of land managers including the Shires of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Nannup, and Manjimup, Main Roads WA and The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
Climate Change Impact Reference Group: Policy and Action Plan
In August 2022, the WBAC launched its regional Climate Change Policy and Action Plan. The plan was created to understand and consolidate the current climate change adaptation, mitigation, communication and advocacy activities undertaken by the WBAC local governments and assist in developing practical and achievable climate change policy instruments, including adaptation, mitigation, communication and advocacy actions applicable to, and for the consideration of, the WBAC and its members. The Plan includes 11 adaptation actions, 9 mitigation actions, 14 leadership and advocacy actions and 8 communication actions.

Live Love Warren Blackwood
The WBAC is passionate about the Warren Blackwood region. We partnered with the South West Development Commission to develop the Live Love Warren Blackwood prospectus to showcase what is great about living in our region.