Successful Inaugural Southern Forests and Valleys Tourism Conference Sets New Industry Benchmark
Nannup, Western Australia - July 24, 2024

The Southern Forests and Valleys Tourism Conference, held on July 23rd, 2024, at the Nannup Recreation Centre, marked a resounding success with over 130 attendees gathering to shape the future of tourism in our region.
Organised by the Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils (WBAC), owners of the Southern Forests and Valleys tourism brand, the conference proved pivotal for the region's tourism industry.
"The conference provided a vital platform for stakeholders and tourism operators to engage, collaborate, and contribute to a shared vision for our region," said WBAC Executive Officer Katie McDonnell.
Attendees were welcomed with a beautiful Welcome to Country by Mitchella Hitchinson, setting a respectful and inclusive tone for the day's proceedings.
Key highlights of the conference included a captivating keynote address by Kristy Bailey on 'Collectively Marketing Our Region', which set the tone for strategic collaboration among stakeholders. The conference witnessed the launch of Australia's South West Wellness Tourism strategy, while Jane Kelsbie, member for Warren Blackwood, provided a comprehensive state tourism update. Tahn Donovan from Karri Karrak Association outlined their aims for the futures, and Katie McDonnell outlined the future strategic direction of the Southern Forests and Valleys tourism brand.
A panel session featuring Tonia Home from Tourism WA, Tracy Lindsey, Kristy Bailey, and Shire of Nannup CEO David Taylor discussed topics such as the growth of tourism in the region, emerging trends, and other relevant ideas.

Throughout the day, breakout sessions covered crucial topics essential for industry growth. Kate Frost from Southern Forests Chocolate Company led an informative session on Agritourism Opportunities, and John Stanley from Chestnut Brae discussed Sustainable Tourism Practices. Dr. Lenore Lyons explored Trails Tourism Opportunities, Tracy Lindsey from Off The Beaten Track delved into Accessible Tourism, Natasha Seymour from Ampersand Estates focused on Developing Trade Ready Products, and Madi Arnold from Lumenesse & Co. shared insights on Using Social Media To Sell Your Story.
The conference fostered enthusiastic participation and meaningful connections across the industry, leaving attendees inspired and equipped with new strategies and partnerships to advance the Southern Forests and Valleys tourism brand. The overarching theme of Empowering Regional Tourism underscored the importance of collaboration and unity in driving future success.
"We are thrilled with the outcomes of this inaugural conference," stated Katie McDonnell, expressing gratitude to all participants and sponsors for their invaluable support. “Our journey towards Empowering Regional Tourism in the Southern Forests & Valleys recognises that our strengths lie in collaboration and unity.”
The Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils extend heartfelt thanks to sponsors whose generous support made this event possible: RAC, Tourism WA, Southern West Development Commission, Forests Products Commission, Australia South West, Louise Kingston MLC, and Southern Forests Food Councils.
For more information on the Southern Forests and Valleys and future initiatives, please discover the WBAC's Future of Tourism Document, visit or contact